Friday, November 29, 2019

December 2 - 6

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. get
  2. this
  3. will
  4. yes
  5. went
  6. no

Weekly Highlights:
  • This week in Math we started our Measurement Unit. We learned the difference between standard and non-standard units and when we might use both. We learned about length, width, and height. Some of the vocabulary words we practiced this week were: long, longer, longest, short, shorter, shortest, wide, wider, widest, narrow, narrower, narrowest. We practiced identifying length, width, and height and comparing different objects. We also learned that length, width,and height are relative depending upon what you are comparing to. For example, a person may look short standing next to one person and look tall standing next to a different person. Here is a fun measurement game we can play at home:
  • In Social Studies we presented our story vines to our classmates. We explained where we were born, how we got our name, what communities we belong to and special traditions we have in our culture. Then we answered questions from our classmates about our presentation. It was a really good chance to practice speaking clearly and loudly in front of an audience.
  • We learned the secret story for “ion.” The letters “ion” like to stay up late at night and read books. When they get up in the morning they are very tired and can’t stop yawning. YUUUUUHHHHNN – like million, onion and minion.
  • We are doing a great job at our Daily 4 Literacy Stations. We spend about 15-20 minutes each day practicing different literacy skills. Here are the stations we work at:
    • Read to Self or a Buddy: Practice reading sight words, poems, and just right books. 
    • Listen to Reading: Use the Ipads to go on Raz-Kids.
    • Word Work: Practice spelling our W.O.W words and our sight word cards using: stamps, letter tiles, whiteboards, magnets, printing in our notebook.
    • Writing: Sticker story writing to practice the skills we have learned in writing lessons (E.g. using finger space, capitals, periods, explaining our ideas in detail using who, what, when, where, and why (feelings)) 
  • We enjoyed some time with our Grade 4 buddies. We learned a new math game using cards to add.
Thank you to everyone who came out last night to make our “Evening of Gathering and Giving” so special.  Jess McCann and her dance group did not disappoint!  Ryan Willert our artist in residence, as well as Elder Pablo Russell emphasized the “Buffalo teachings” and the meaning to our students here at SVS. We look forward to a continued focus on using the Buffalo teachings in our day to day lives. 

Please skip to 11:42 to view it:

Video of Jessica McCann:

Pizza Party:
Students will not need to bring a lunch next Friday, Dec 6 as we will be having our pizza party. The orders have been placed and we are all getting very excited.

Calgary Food Bank:
From now until December 17th we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Calgary Food Bank. Foodbank boxes have now been placed around the school to accept any and all donations.

Subscribe to Stay Informed:
To receive all messages from our school and the Calgary Board of Education, complete the following steps:
1.    To subscribe to receive commercial messages, go to to enter your email address on file at your school.
2.   To opt-in to receive text messages, use your cell phone to text the word YES to the six-digit number 724665. Your cell number must be on file with the school. 

Ask Me About:
  1. To compare the length, width, and height of different objects using the correct vocabulary (tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest, wide, wider, widest, narrow, narrower, narrowest, long, longer, longest).
  2. Log into your Raz-Kids account and read at least 2 books this weekend!

Friday, November 22, 2019

November 25 - 29

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. am
  2. do
  3. did
  4. what
  5. so

Weekly Highlights:
  • This week in Math we identified the number that comes before, after, and in between a given number.  We practiced counting on and counting back from 20 to help us with this skill.  We practiced ordering numbers to 20 and learned what ordinal numbers are and how to say them properly (e.g. first, second, third, fourth).  We also reviewed how to represent a number correctly on a ten frame, how to read ten frames and use counting on to figure out how many quickly, and practiced reading numbers to 100 on a 100 chart.  Here is a link to a fun game to review numbers on a 100 chart. 
  • This week we focused on improving our writing.  We wrote about a topic of our choice, remembering to use finger spaces, start sentences with an uppercase letter, end sentences with a period, use the word wall to spell sight words, and stretch out and write unfamiliar words using kid writing.  We also read our writing to make sure that our sentences made sense.  We discussed the importance of having a complete piece of writing.
  • We are continuing to learn new secret stories as well as review the ones we have already learned.  This week we reviewed ou and ow (They love to fight but someone always gets hurt and says owww.  But then they get interrupted because they see superhero O flying in the sky so they stop fighting, look up and say “O”).  We also learned that English words don’t end in u or v so one of mommy e’s jobs is to hang out at the end of these words (e.g. have). 
  • In Social Studies we finished our story vines. We talked about our name and why we have that name. We learned where we were born and where our families came from. Next we talked about three communities that we belong to and three three important part of our culture or traditions in our family. Next week will be presenting our story vines to our classmates.

Pizza Party: The date for the pizza party is Friday, December 6. Your child will not need to bring a lunch that day as the Parent Council will be providing pizza for our class because 1E sold the most boxes of cards. The children have all placed their orders for what type of pizza they want and Parent Council will also provide cinnamon bites and juice boxes.

Calgary Food Bank:
From now until December 17th we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Calgary Food Bank. Foodbank boxes have now been placed around the school to accept any and all donations.

Night of Gathering and Giving:
Come and participate in an evening of gathering and giving at Simons Valley School on Thursday November 28th.  This event will start at 6:30 pm and will end at 8:00 pm. At this event, we will have Jess McMann perform a Pow Wow Mash-Up for the school, unveil the mural created by Ryan Jason Allen Willert and have it blessed by an Elder, as well as participate in various stations throughout the school. We will be making cards for Meals on Wheels, packing birthday gifts for the Calgary Food Bank, designing hampers, and painting rocks to create a pay it forward message. Sign-up using the following link:

Date and Time:
Thursday, November 28th 2019 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Simons Valley School | Calgary Board of Education
375 Sandarac Dr. NW

Evening of Gathering and Giving Donations:
We are still looking for donations for our gathering and giving night. 
If you would like to donate to this night, below is a list of the items we are looking for. Please only send NEW, UNUSED items:
-       Birthday Cake Mix
-       Candles
-       Paper Plates
-       Napkins
-       Cups (plastic/paper)
-       Colouring Books
-       Ribbon
-       Stickers
If you are able to donate any of the materials listed here, please send them with your child to school any time before November 28th.

Subscribe to Stay Informed:
To receive all messages from our school and the Calgary Board of Education, complete the following steps:
1.    To subscribe to receive commercial messages, go to to enter your email address on file at your school.
2.    To opt-in to receive text messages, use your cell phone to text the word YES to the six-digit number 724665. Your cell number must be on file with the school. 

Paying Fees online:
When paying fees online it is best to use a computer because many parents are having issues viewing the website correctly from their cell phones.  If you have tried from a computer and are still having issues please contact the office.  Any questions regarding fees should be directed to the office.

Dear Parents/Guardians, The GREAT PICK UP Just a reminder to check the Simons Valley School website for designated times of when you ...