Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19

Hello Families,

We miss all your smiling faces and hope you are staying healthy and well at home!  Although we don’t know what school will look like just yet, rest assured that we will continue to support students as best as we can.  More information will be sent out once decisions have been made and we have more information.

All student materials such as shoes, journals and JUMP math books will be kept at the school for now.  These items will be scheduled for pick up some time after Spring Break.  Please watch for an email with more information after Spring Break.

Please remember you still has access to the following resources:

Next week is Spring Break from Monday March 23-Friday March 27th.  Take this time to enjoy activities with your family.

          Here is a story that you may want to share with your child about Covid-19.


Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13

Hello Parents/Guardians! 
Please make sure to read all of the information in the reminders section.

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. take
  2. every
  3. old
  4. by
  5. after

Weekly Highlights:
  • This week in math we learned about skip counting and practiced skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.  We practiced counting objects by organizing them into groups of 2s and 5s. We then compared whether it was faster to count the objects by 1s or by skip counting. After making our groups, if we had leftovers (eg. not enough to make another full group), we used the counting on strategy to figure out how many we had in all.  For example, 4 groups of 5 with 2 leftover- 5, 10, 15, 20, (counting on the two extra) 21, 22.  We also solved word problems related to skip counting. Such as, a class has 3 groups of 5 children working together and one more group of 4 children. How many children are in the class?  Here are some skip counting videos we used to practice this week:
  • The grade 4 students had their celebration of learning, hosting a heritage fair.  We enjoyed  looking at all the fabulous presentations and enjoyed learning all about them! Great job!  

Schools have received information from Calgary Board of Education Communications in regards to gatherings from now until Spring Break.
Please note:
  • Events including the school and regular staff population of the school MAY continue. This includes events such as after school clubs, practices etc. Schools with scheduled field trips may still continue at this time.
  • Events that expand to include populations from other schools and/or parents or other community members should be postponed and further information will be provided after March break if they will be rescheduled or cancelled. This includes events such as Parent Teacher Interviews, school athletic competitions, drama/musical performances etc.
We have chosen to postpone the following:
  • March 19th and 20th - Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all parents who have offered to volunteer for the book fair. We will create a new signup sheet when we reschedule Scholastic Book Fair.
We will reschedule our Parent Teacher Conferences at a later date.  Dismissal for Thursday March 19th will continue to be  EARLY DISMISSAL at 1:30 for Grades 1-6 as well as SKILL. Kindergarten there will be NO SCHOOL.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your support as we all share in these unique times.

Please see the most recent update from the CBE. Keep an eye on the Simons Valley school website for the most up to date information.

Scholastic Book Fair:
The book fair has been cancelled.

Winter Sports Day:
Due to the weather Winter Sports Day was cancelled for Friday March 13th.  We will be rescheduling for Tuesday March 17th from approximately 1:15pm-2:15pm. Students will be participating in a variety of outdoor activities such as: snowman building, sledding, hoola hoops, tug of war, and a hot chocolate and cookie station.  

School Field/Playground Areas:
With the snow beginning to melt there are many mud puddles in our play areas.  Please remind your child to stay out of them even if they have boots on.  It is a good idea to send your child with an extra change of clothes in their backpack just in case.

Ask Me About:
  1. Practice skip counting:
    1. by 2s, 5s, and 10s. 
    2. By 2s, 5s, and 10s with counting on by 1s.  E.g. Hold up 2 fingers for your child they count by 2s.  Then hold up 1 finger-they stop counting by 2s and count on by 1s. Hold up 2 fingers again and then stop counting and start over at 0 counting by 2s.  You can do this for 2s, 5s, and 10s.  
  1. Gather a large group of objects:
 .               Count them by 2s
a.             Count them by 5s
b.             Count them by 10s

Dear Parents/Guardians, The GREAT PICK UP Just a reminder to check the Simons Valley School website for designated times of when you ...